from 2013

"Benedetta è la poesia che sgorga attraverso di me e non da me, perchè il suono della mia musica sommergerà la canzone d'Amore."
Jalaluddin Rumi

Je me suis réfugiée là,là,là,
by Margo Chou (more info)
Here the first study about this project.
Qui foto dello studio del progetto.
Auteur-interprètre : Margo Chou
Regard exterieur : Gaëlle Cerisier
With the support of La Gare Franche - Maison d'artistes, Théâtre de curiosités [Marseille], Animakt, lieu de fabrique pour les arts de la rue [Saulx-les-Chartreux], Pole National des Arts du Cirque [Amiens], FAI-AR, Formation supérieure d'art en espace public [Marseille]

Direction musicale : La Belle Image
Mise en scène et chorégraphies : Doriane Moretus (Cie Adhok) et La Belle Image
Costumes: Federica Terracina
Lumières: Simon Laurent
Scénographie: Yanosh Hrdy
Graphiste: Camille Burger
Despues (more info)
Crédit Vidéo Teaser version rue: A Capella Studios – Baule
Crédit Vidéo Teaser version salle: Node

Cosaltro Esperimenti
Ex.1 A Thixotropic mixture like the blood of Saint Januarius
created and played by Antonino Talamo
Cosaltro Esperimenti is a matrix that generates a different musical experiment each time, according to the location, relationships, and sound possibilities.
Ex.1 > A ritual sound-inspired by “yellow face” (San Gennaro patron of Naples), whose blood is owned by the Neapolitan people. Lava music. Scenery and costume by Federica Terracina.
Historical and literary consultant, Francesco Andoli (journalist, “Identitá Insorgenti”)
Altofest 2017 Naples (more info)

The art direction and mise-en-scéne of Sacrilége is a collaboration with the Festival Musiques Interdits, a cultural action that aim to rehabilitate major musical works banned by in the past (mainly by dictatorship and religion).
Artistic vision Gonzalo Borondo
Strategy consulting TeatrInGestAzione
Costumes Federica Terracina
Sancta Susanna (1922) by Paul Hindemith Performed by
Chrystelle Di Marco (Soprano), Lucie Roche (Mezzo-soprano) and Patricia Schenell (Mezzo-soprano)
Sodome et Gomorrhe (1963) by Karl Hartmann Performed by
Antoin Herrere Lopex Kessel (Baritone)
Marseille Philharmonic Orchestra Direction by Jean-Philippe Dambreville
Lyric performance at Théâtre Toursky
Photo by Niccolò Lanfranchi
Video by Psimedias
Sancta Susanna (1922) by Paul Hindemith and Sodome et Gomorrhe (1963) by Karl Hartmann composed the show, are rediscovered within the festival created by Michel Pastore and staged at the Theatre Toursky of Marseille (FR).
Sacrilège VIDEO

sieste musicale
Composition et interprétation Clément Oury et Cyrille Auchapt
Mise en scène Julie Anne Roth Scénographie Federica Terracina Régisseur son Frédéric Norguet
L'Attrape-Reve pdf (more info)

ideated and curated GESUALDI | TRONO
production Napoli Teatro Festival e TeatrInGestAzione
In collaboaration with
Casa Circondariale Napoli Poggioreale and TEATRIN-GESTAZIONE
Teatringestazione Misantropie (more info)
I fall
Into black humours and profound disgust,
To see men treat each other as they do;
There’s nowhere aught but dastard flattery,
Injustice, treachery, selfishness, deceit;
I can’t endure it, I go mad —and mean
Squarely to break with all the human race.
The Misanthrope – Molière
Mi prende l’umor nero e un profondo dolore quando vedo la gente comportarsi in tal modo. Io riscontro dovunque solo vili lusinghe, ingiustizia, interesse, scaltrezza, tradimento; non posso contenermi, mi adiro, e mi propongo di mandare all’inferno tutto il genere umano.
Il Misantropo – Molière

some sketch
sketch randomici
P4 Fanfara